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New Website for Kaya Massage Therapy

Kaya Massage Therapy screenshot by Websites Made With Love

Building a website for a growing business.

Alicia Goldney has been practicing massage therapy for over 10 years and has a strong clientele base in the Parksville and Qualicum areas.

She wanted a nice website and google listing to complement her business and increase her client base. Her vision was earth-focused, with green tones and a welcoming feel to the website. Alicia also wanted welcoming photos to her website so her clients would feel at home and relaxed.

Here’s what we did for Alicia.

We decided on a 4-page business website layout; the four pages consisted of the home page, treatment, about, and contact page which will all be used to increase the website’s search engine optimization. Working with Alicia we created a new logo and decided on colours and the general feel of the website. From there, we built out the design to match the logo, colours, and feel of the website.

We added a very welcoming quote section that represented the Kaya Massage Therapy name surrounded by beautiful treetops. A clinic photo slider was also added to give clients a great look inside the clinic. 

Screenshot of new website design for Kaya Massage Therapy in Parksville, BC

Mark and his team were easy to work with and created a beautiful website for my health care business. My ideas and vision were thoughtfully translated. I would highly recommend Websites Made With Love to any business owner.– Alicia Goldney of Kaya Massage Therapy

Vertical black logo for Websites Made With Love

Hi! We’re Websites Made With Love and we look forward to helping you with more than just your website.