A web agency that works with its clients
What sets us apart from other web agencies
We pride ourselves on our commitment to working with our clients instead of for our clients.
What does that mean?
It means that we do our best to understand your needs, goals, and limitations and work with you to find solutions to get you what you want. We do this by having an initial consultation with all our clients so we are on the same page from the beginning. We get clear on what your goals are and why they are important. In some cases, knowing the “why” has helped us suggest other ways to reach your goals. We are a digital marketing agency, after all! Our goal is to help you reach your business goals by utilizing the powers of the internet.
Small businesses and NPO’s love working with us
It can be a dog eat dog world out there, especially for a small business trying to get their foot in the door. Often, funds are limited and business owners are extremely motivated to do as much as they can themselves to improve their business.
On the other hand, many non-profit organizations are usually run by a board of volunteers that don’t have any specialized training in web development. However, they are usually open to learning and helping out as much as they can.
What do small business owners and NPO’s have in common? They both are willing to put in the time and effort to do as much as they can on their own. We dig that enthusiasm and love to work with these clients to give them the break they are looking for.
How Websites Made With Love helps the little guys
After we meet with our clients, the next step is to build a development website. We work collaboratively with the client to nail down things like the logo design, colour schemes, page layouts, all that good stuff. Once it is approved, we launch the website and everyone does a happy dance for a job well done.
It doesn’t end there.
So many web agencies churn out websites like a fast food restaurant churns out burgers. They miss the point that if you go through the effort of constructing a new website, that it should continue to hold its value for longer than 5 minutes after launch. It’s obvious when a website is neglected and outdated. It hurts the reputation of the business or NPO that owns it, plus the web developer that built it. Maintenance is key.
We are well known for making custom video tutorials for our clients so they can feel confident in updating their website. Most small updates can be done by the client, so we walk them through step-by-step how to do that in our tutorials. This is great for NPO’s that may have a different set of volunteers from time to time.
In another case, we met weekly with a client to target what kind of updates she wanted to do and then showed her in an online meeting (screen share) how to do it. These meetings can be recorded, too.
Oh and about that maintenance? We offer several website maintenance plans so clients can choose the one that suits their budget and needs the best.
Want to give us a try?
If you’re looking for a web agency that listens to your needs, works through your problems with you and offers solutions, then why not give us a ring? We offer a free, no-obligation 30 minute consultation so we can both see if we are a good fit for each other.
And hey, if you’re wanting a web agency to take over and do everything, we’re cool with that. But if you want to get your toes wet and do a few things yourself, we are down with that too. Our team is flexible and passionate about what we do. If we can help you, we will!
Mark Beuerman
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